Saturday, December 28, 2013

Fun Pens!

I admit I have a pen fetish, and every Christmas my husband surprises me with goofy or unusual pens in my stocking!  He got these at Spencer Gifts this year.

They write nice, too!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Winter Lettuce

We've had great luck growing lettuce over the winter so far this year, despite the temps dropping into the teens on many nights.  We cover it with a thin, woven, white cloth the locals call "tobacco cloth," which the farmers use to cover their tobacco seedlings as they grow.  It lets the light and water in, but keeps the cold out, at least enough that it doesn't damage the entire plant, only a little bit around some of the edges. 

Perhaps next year I'll try planting iceberg lettuce, which is more suitable for cooler weather.